Donald Talking Pen
Our Friendly Forest
- Says 8 Unique Lines in Trump’s Real Voice
- Replaceable Batteries are Included
- High Quality Audio
- Helps You Make Writing Great Again

the Talking Trump Pen

Give it to your grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, son, daughter, cousin, boss, friend, or foe.
"Outstanding. The greatest corporate gift ever. I just came back from a trip to Europe and I gave the DT Pen out to all my clients and prospects. They couldn't stop laughing. Thanks so much!"
I will be the greatest President that God ever created.
Look - I'm REALLY rich.
I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall.
I don't wear a toupee. It's my hair. I swear.
I love China. I just sold an apartment for fifteen million dollars to somebody from China.
Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid.
We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.
I think I am a nice person. People that know me, like me.